Friday, September 23, 2011

I don't know about you, but I can be in a semi-coma state for hours and be totally happy about myself.

Song of the Day: Some Boys by Death Cab for Cutie
School is school is school is school.
 I should spend more time studying (because I've gotten two Bs so far on tests... both I'm fairly pleased with because of the amount of studying that I did on them. Sad but true fact), and less time watching Doctor Who. Although, I'm sure in Rhachel's perfect world, I'm doing it right.
Also, I always feel like I'm spending too much money on groceries, but really, I can't help it. Well, I guess I could help it if I decided to stop eating healthy. And bathing. But that's not going to happen any time soon.
So, what has Neffy been doing with her life, you ask? My answer is easy: nothing. I go to school, eat, do homework, and watch Netflix. I feel like my life hasn't changed at all in the past year or so... hah.
Oh, and if you're interested, I'm uploading a couple new mixes onto my 8tracks soon:

Thursday, September 15, 2011

a wishlist.

Song of the Day: Sparrow and the Wolf by James Vincent McMorrow

  • a digital camera
  • music that I actually want to listen to
  • a waffle maker
  • a shower that actually drains
  • to have all of my German vocab memorized
  • to not have to go to school would be nice too.