Saturday, March 5, 2011


Song of the day: Rainside by Agnes Obel

Lately, I have been having a love-hate relationship with my hair. I really want to grow it out and braid it, etc...
Fun fact: My hair has been short since 28 February 2009. My hair is the longest it has been in over two years! That's like a mission.
Speaking of missions, I would like to, uh, publicly (?) declare my excitement for Sir Cody Eckman for being called to Africa. That is super exciting!! It seems like the perfect place him to go, yes?
Anyway, my love-hate relationship I have going on.
I want to grow my hair our, but it has recently gotten really heavy and it's having a hard time curly/waving/whatever my hair does). I love my curly hair and I'm afraid if I grow it too long it will just be gross... :(
Also, my hair grows really fast. It's kind of scary.

Carly and I being goobs, September 2010

Today, 5 March

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