Song of the Day: Hourglass by Mindy Gledhill
For a while now, I have wanted to just sit down and make a list of things that really... make me me? I don't think that's the best way of putting it, but neither is saying "stuff I likes" because I like a lot of things and that would be an incredibly long lists.
But then again, I do like making lists...
If you don't know, I am obsessed with Hello Kitty.
I have no idea. I just think she is the cutest thing ever (aside from myself, of course). She's like my little fashion icon. Just everything... about adorableness and stuff.
I have a great vocabulary.
I have kept a journal since freshman year in high school. Fact. I just love writing in journals; it feels so... good! It's almost as good as making lists. It is even better when you make a list as your journal entry (in fact, I think I am going to do that tonight).
I finished my third journal last Friday, and I was so excited to start a new one.
Actually, I complain a lot in my journal entries. But really, it's kind of therapeutic. I feel better when I get all my emotions out on paper (that hopefully no one will read... maybe one day).
I get excited over art supplies, especially pencils. I used to be very into art and whatnot until about junior year. I simply did not have enough time for it. Recently, I have been starting to get back into it, and I love it!!
I'm still really bad at it, but I don't think that will ever change. I'll just keep on doodling (for the rest of my life).
In a perfect world, I would wear dresses every day. Seriously. I just love wearing dresses. Perhaps this is because I am really a girlie girl (which I never knew until I was informed sophomore or junior year by Miss Jane Hutchins in German class. Fact).
Another thing associated with this picture is my hair. I never really cared to let it do what it wanted to until recently (when I figured out how to fix it properly). I'm kind of obsessed with it. It's wavy (and I am a freak).
In case you're wondering, I am growing it out again. I don't know how long I will let it grow though... We will see. (:
I love love love fresh fruits and vegetables. I know, I'm a freak (I think we've covered this), but there is nothing better than to sit down to a veggie platter or a big bowl of strawberries or grapes or oranges or honeydew... yum.
I close my eyes, and all I see are flowers. I adore flowers, floral print, etc.
It's so... lovely (my favorite word).
I love nostalgia. Like, I think it's kind of a weird obsession. When I'm bored, I like to sit down and watch an old episode of whatever cartoon series was popular when I was ten. I have incorporated N'SYNC and Backstreet Boys (among some other favorites) into my music collection, etc.
Seriously, it's great. Everyone needs a dose of nostalgia every once in a while.
Again, we are going to visit my perfect world. In Neffyland, it would be law for you to read a new book every two weeks. Why? Because reading enriches your senses (or something like that crap). It's amazing and refreshing to just sit down and read something, whether it be intellectual or not. For example, I read the Hunger Games (the first book) in four and a half hours. It was great.
I just love reading. This is probably a good thing since I am an English Major, after all.
Ever since I was little, I have had an obsession with dogs. All dogs. Like, when I was ten or eleven or something, I told my mother that I wanted to have fifteen Caviler King Charles Spaniels and a Border Collie when I grew up. I'm not even kidding.
I would still love to have a King Charles, but I have revised my dream to just a pug. A little pug named Henry, and his nickname would be Hen-chan because I can do something like that.
I suppose this is another "no duh." So, I'm just going to lump a few into this one.
1. Danny Phantom is the greatest American made cartoon ever made. Okay, that's probably not true, because I also like Rugrats, Doug, Phineas and Ferb, etc. I just like Danny Phantom... a lot.
2. Sailor Moon and Full House describe my childhood, oh, and Boy Meets World (along with the normal stuff like Blues Clues, Powerpuff Girls, Dexter's Laboratory, etc.... Do you see now why I love nostalgia so much?).
3. Now, all I seem to watch is Glee, those trashy reality shows on MTV (Teen Mom, I Used to be Fat), and almost every show on TLC.
I could go on and on about how glorious music is. All kinds of music.
But I'm sure you're aware of this by now.
Or at least, you should be.
(OKAY. In brief, I have played to flute since I was nine, picked up the piano a year ago, and I love to sing, and have loved to sing since as long as I could remember. I once even tried to sing myself to sleep when I was little. Of course, we should mention my obsession with listening to just about any kind of music except for like hip hop, rap (because they are the same thing in my mind), and twangy country music)
Bows make the world go round. They also complete every outfit. Whenever I am drawing something, and it's lacking something, I just add a bow.
And it's perfect then.
This is another requirement for perfection in Neffyland. I could wear a lot of bows.
Okay, you can get over how totally cute this picture is now (false. you will never get over how cute this picture is).
I love children. I think this is because I'm a girl, but then again, everyone should love children.
I honestly am looking forward to the day I can have my own (but don't hold your breath.. It will most likely be YEARS before this will happen).
Also, I like Harry Potter a lot.
I am a lazy OCD person. I love having everything organized and clean and perfect, always. This really sucks when you have a bunch of room mates who... don't care... ever. So, I could give into these urges to seriously deep clean everything, but I don't because they would get like a million times worse or something.
Also, I never knew how much I liked having things neat and clean until I came to college. It makes me want to go home and clean my room, but when I get home, the last thing I want to do is clean. Hence the lazy OCD.
Last, but not least, I love photography. Just in general, I think it's beautiful. While making this post, I kind of just wanted to put a ton of pictures in the post and leave it be.
But then I realized, I already have a blog like that:
where I complain when I don't want to put it as a status on fbook/my photo blog.
Also, this is kind of my all time favorite photo at the moment. (:
Okay, okay. I will mention my love for my church. It really has shaped me into me.
I love being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!