Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Song of the Day: 20 Years by the Civil Wars

  1. I'm actually really unoriginal, so I am copying Jane.
  2. For the most part, I hate living in Utah.
  3. I am afraid of the future.
  4. I love lemon flavored things.
  5. I don't think I'm pretty at all.
  6. I love children, particularly my neighbor's kids, Lizzie and Andrew Mac, and my nephew, Jace.
  7. I have an obsession with cuddling.
  8. If I could, I would wear a dress everyday.
  9. However, I live in a windy city.
  10. And dresses are expensive.
  11. My favorite food is dry, cold cereal.
  12. I want to publish a novel so badly.
  13. I like to swing on swing sets.
  14. And color in coloring books.
  15. When I was younger, I wanted to be a fashion designer.
  16. And then I realized that I am the least competitive person on this planet.
  17. I wish I could sing lower.
  18. I look like I'm a freshman in high school.
  19. I hate my teeth but there isn't anything I can do about them.
  20. Starting a new blog has given me inspiration to actually write more.
  21. Some days, I feel like dropping out of this "university" and go to an art college instead.
  22. But I am afraid that I wouldn't be good enough.
  23. I am slightly OCD.
  24. I love eating fruits and veggies.
  25. I don't like pineapple or coconut.
  26. My favorite color is mustard yellow.
  27. Shortly followed by: mint green, peach, lavender, heather gray, and periwinkle.
  28. I read the first book of the Hunger Games trilogy in four and a half hours.
  29. I love reading.
  30. I don't read enough.
  31. I procrastinate way too much.
  32. I daydream a lot.
  33. I hate rain.
  34. I have a secret dream where I am in an all-male a cappella group.
  35. But then it wouldn't be all guys anymore... because I would.. be in it...
  36. I guess that dream isn't exactly a secret anymore either.
  37. I use google as a spell check sometimes.
  38. I love melting chocolate chips on my tongue.
  39. I wish people would send me flowers.
  40. I am not flirty at all.
  41. I love pugs.
  42. I love the feeling of my teeth after I brush them.
  43. I get excited when I look for my favorite song on my iPod.
  44. Sometimes, I don't think I'll ever get married.
  45. I love my room mate, Carly.
  46. After I graduate college, I want to move to Portland, OR.
  47. I wear blush on a daily basis.
  48. I have a lazy eye.
  49. I measure portion sizes religiously.
  50. I wish my hair was more red.
  51. I like water. c:
  52. We had the missionaries over for dinner tonight.
  53. I am afraid of talking on the phone.
  54. I am almost done with my current journal (three pages left!!).
  55. Laughing is one of my all time favorite activities.
  56. I wish I could sew better.
  57. I love Glee.
  58. Since going to college, I have not gone on a single date.
  59. I look through wedding dresses when I'm bored.
  60. I download & listen through a 120 song playlist every month. I only keep about 20 of the songs.
  61. I didn't know I had dimples until I got contacts in the eighth grade.
  62. Oranges mean wintertime.
  63. I am allergic to apples.
  64. I almost died while going to Girl's Camp last year.
  65. I love Hello Kitty.
  66. When I'm driving in my car to a song I like, I imagine myself dancing.
  67. I love my car.
  68. I have kept a journal since freshman year in high school.
  69. It wouldn't surprise me if I was depressed.
  70. Whenever there's an awkward moment in a conversation, the first thing I think of is puppies.
  71. I hate the "country twang".
  72. My facebook language is set to English (UK).
  73. I love Disney movies a lot.
  74. One of my favorite vegetables is broccoli.
  75. I really miss playing the flute.
  76. I am afraid of horses.
  77. I am obsessed with the music of the Nutcracker.
  78. I want to go vegetarian again.
  79. But because I don't like the taste of meat.
  80. Swearing doesn't bother me at all.
  81. My dream honeymoon would be a massive road trip.
  82. I wish it was spring.
  83. I have never had a real job before.
  84. More people know me than I know.
  85. I don't like to watch a lot of movies.
  86. I have really poor circulation, that's why my hands are always cold.
  87. My feet are always cold too.
  88. I have been told that I have a subtle sense of humor.
  89. More often than not, I have a song running through my head.
  90. I have played the piano for almost a year.
  91. I don't look good in the color pink.
  92. I stopped drawing during my junior year.
  93. But I want to start drawing again.
  94. I have never owned a pair of high heels.
  95. I miss my bestest friends in the whole wide world.
  96. You know who you are.
  97. I want my first born son to be named Luke.
  98. I was obsessed with NSYNC as a kid.
  99. I am still obsessed with NSYNC.
  100. I'm awkward.

1 comment:

  1. I adore you.
    And I totally thought I was 95 before I read 96. And I love you too, and I love that you gave me my own label. And I love your face. All of it. Twice. Nine times. <3
