Song of the day: The Dreamer by the Tallest Man on Earth
I am terrified to get a job for no reason at all. You see, I have no discipline, or rather, very little. I have a hard time sitting down and doing what I'm told to do. So, I find having a traditional job terrifying.
But jobs are very important for two reasons:
1. Money makes the world go round.
2. It's something to do.
In the end, people have to get a job though, because those are two very essential reasons for living, you kind of need money unless you want to live in a box (which I don't) and boredom sucks. I mean, think about it, leisure time is time you spend doing things you like. If you always did the things you like, you would get sick of them and bored of the repetition and they wouldn't be very "leisurely" anymore, now would they?
So, the majority of people will break down and get a job. Yes?
But still, I don't want to.
It's not like I won't ever get a job though. For example, over the summer, I am going to have to get a job for those very two reasons. I need money for school and it'll be something to do. We all have to face it eventually and conform, you know. Two of my best friends in this entire world are not going to be living in the same town as me this summer because they have decided to be grown up. And I find this frightening. I'm not ready to grow up yet. Or maybe I am. I really haven't decided yet. I just want to blog/write full time, draw a little every once in a while, and listen to music all day everyday.
Is that too much to ask?
It's really scary actually. My dream career isn't exactly the best one to pick either (author/housewife) because neither will make a lot of income for my desired lifestyle (which I imagine most people could picture). Seriously, I am walking into a lifestyle of debt and eating canned soup everyday (unless I miraculously find an amazingly rich husband, but I don't even want to go down that street. I'll probably never get married and live in a box writing stories for rats on the street).
You see why this is scary? I don't see myself doing very well in the future, but I still don't want to do anything else. I have no idea where my life is going.
But, all I do know, is that I refuse to conform and work eight to five everyday and hating my life because of it.
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