Tuesday, November 8, 2011

random post is random (if not somewhat entertaining).

Song of the day: King of Spain by The Tallest Man on Earth
My goodness, I want it to be December already. Don't get me wrong, November is an absolutely wonderful month, but I'm so over it now. Maybe it was the six inches of snow that did me in because I want it to be Christmas! In fact, I even started listening to Christmas music yesterday (someone please stop me!). The only weird thing about me wanting it to be December (would you call this a weird reason?), is that means I'll be 20 shortly. I mean, 20 just seems so old. All I know how to be is a teenager. On the brightside, I won't be a teenager anymore though because, let's face it, 9 out of 10 teenagers are hormonally obnoxious. No one likes teenagers except teenagers. Sorry, but it's a fact of life. 
But I suppose turning 20 isn't going to automatically solve all of these problems. Being 20... it's like somewhere between a fifth and a fourth of my life is gone. 
I'm not trying to make it seem like I'm afraid of turning 20, because I'm not (much unlike when I was terrified of turning 16... was that really four years ago?). It's more like... I'm old. I'm an old woman. 20-year-olds get married and have babies. I just want to play with my friends and dance around my room without having someone judge me. It's like the older I get the more the youthful fun gets sucked away! My youth is all but gone! Wo is me!
On another note, I thought I should say that I've been watching Merlin lately.. and I'm totally in love. If you don't know what Merlin is, it's basically the story of how the great warlock Merlin became friends with the future King Arthur in Camelot. Merlin moves to Camelot during a time where magic is outlawed and becomes the servant of Prince Arthur (who is played by the BEAUTIFUL Bradley James... sorry, I may or may not be in love with him). It's there adventures together (Merlin saves Arthur's butt a million times, and Arthur never knows it was Merlin saving him. Hilarity). It's family friendly, and it's a lot of fun. It also weaves a lot of the legends together like Excalibur (Sword in the Stone), Lancelot and Gwenivere, etc.And the first three seasons are on Netflix. (:
On a side note about Bradley James, why am I so attracted to British men that are, like, ten years older than me? Seriously, first Matt Smith, and now Bradley James! I should stop watching British TV shows. Seriously. This is awful.
Oh, and one last note (THIS POST IS SO RANDOM), yesterday in my music appreciation class, my teacher shared this... thing called the Beethoven Project. It's a simulation of Beethoven's hearing loss through the years. On the page it has one minute samples of three of his symphonies written at different points of his hearing loss. It'll play the piece as how a person with normal hearing would hear it, and then it'll alternate in five second intervals between the normal hearing and what Beethoven would have heard. It is the most hauntingly beautiful thing I have ever heard in my life, and I'm slightly obsessed with it. 
In my opinion, I think the second one is the worst. Don't get me wrong, the last is absolutely horrible, but hearing-wise, the second would have driven me mad. 
filed under things I should use before I turn 20

Thursday, October 27, 2011

all I do is make playlists.

Making playlists is literally the most exciting my life is right now. Unless you want to count my many hours of free time I seem to have right now. I do watch a lot of TV shows on Netflix. I'm watching Merlin and Jerchio right now. Interesting stuff, let me tell you. I might write reviews for my blog when I finish them (eventually).
But anyway, I'll share my playlists with you if you care (which you probably don't, of course).

Anchor by Mindy Gledhill
Black River Killer by Blitzen Trapper
Buffalo by the Deloreans
Cars by Now, Now Every Children
East Harlem by Beirut 
The Hazards of Love I (The Whistles Won’t Wrestle the Tistles Undone) by the Decemberists
I Got by Young the Giant
Janglin by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros 
King of Spain by the Tallest Man on Earth
Little Lion Man by Mumford & Sons
Lovers of Japan/Reign of Love by Coldplay
Mykonos by Fleet Foxes
Part Time Believer by Boy & Bear
The Rake’s Song by the Decemberists
Seven Nation Army by Ben L’Oncle Soul
Somebody That I Used to Know by Goyte
Two Weeks by Grizzly Bear
Wasteland by Rubik
1957 by Milo Greene

A Playlist made for Jane:

Awake my Soul by Mumford and Sons
Bigger than Love by My Favorite Highway
Euphorie by Madsen
Fake Palindromes by Andrew Bird
Feel by the Less
Love Me by Yann Tiersen
More Than the World by Mindy Gledhill
Not In Love by Crystal Castles
Only the Young by Brandon Flowers
Shake It Out by Florence and the Machine
Someone Like You by Adele
The Sound of Silence by Simon & Garfunkel 
Time to Mend by Barcelona
To Whom It May Concern by The Civil Wars
Water Night preformed by the BYU Singers 
What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong

Friday, September 23, 2011

I don't know about you, but I can be in a semi-coma state for hours and be totally happy about myself.

Song of the Day: Some Boys by Death Cab for Cutie
School is school is school is school.
 I should spend more time studying (because I've gotten two Bs so far on tests... both I'm fairly pleased with because of the amount of studying that I did on them. Sad but true fact), and less time watching Doctor Who. Although, I'm sure in Rhachel's perfect world, I'm doing it right.
Also, I always feel like I'm spending too much money on groceries, but really, I can't help it. Well, I guess I could help it if I decided to stop eating healthy. And bathing. But that's not going to happen any time soon.
So, what has Neffy been doing with her life, you ask? My answer is easy: nothing. I go to school, eat, do homework, and watch Netflix. I feel like my life hasn't changed at all in the past year or so... hah.
Oh, and if you're interested, I'm uploading a couple new mixes onto my 8tracks soon: http://8tracks.com/ohlovelyy

Thursday, September 15, 2011

a wishlist.

Song of the Day: Sparrow and the Wolf by James Vincent McMorrow

  • a digital camera
  • music that I actually want to listen to
  • a waffle maker
  • a shower that actually drains
  • to have all of my German vocab memorized
  • to not have to go to school would be nice too.

Friday, August 26, 2011

A lonely post.

Song of the Day: http://youtu.be/RJnMLBXm5VA
Cameron Mitchell's Such a Mystery
Hello and welcome back to my semi-normal life. Maybe that will mean I actually, like, update my blog and stuff (because I do so much of that). I think the biggest part of it is that I feel like I have nothing to really talk about on said blog that I am currently writing on. I mean, I don't live an exciting life. I get up, go to school, come home and do my homework, watch something on Netflix, and then go to bed. 
I'm really good at existing, aren't I?
This might be because I don't really have a lot of friends at school. I mean, let's face this, I'm really not good at making friends (sorry). I'm really shy/I have a hard time connecting to a lot of people. I just feel so different from most people. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be anti-social or anything. I try to be nice to people, and talk to them or whatever. I'm just not good at making friends. It might be a disease or something.
And it doesn't help that my roommates are either never around or are really good at not making any sounds at all. It's nice most days, but when I'm having a day like today, I like to have a little companionship or something, you know? I kind of have had the two extremes of roommates so far: last year, they were always around and being really loud and noisy. It was obnoxious a lot of the time, but it meant that they were there. And I was actually friends with them too. This year, I feel like I'm living with a bunch of strangers because I never see them. I have one roommate that I've probably seen five or six times total. And today, on campus, I was starting my walk home, and I saw a girl that I thought might have been my roommate, but I wasn't sure, so I didn't want to say hi to her and feel totally stupid or something.
Long story short: I'm totally lonely. If you're nearby, please come visit me.
In the meantime, I'll probably watch a movie on Netflix and go to bed since there's nothing else to do. Maybe I'll edit my story... I need to do that. 

Ideas to make my blog better/more interesting:
  • list all my anime crushes I've ever had
  • post about all my favorite bands/artists
  • post about my favorite movies/tv shows/anime
  • get a social life
  • post about my favorite stories

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

it's the summer (I think).

um, hi. I'm actually alive (and stuff), I just never seem to blog because I have nothing to blog about (I do nothing really. I watch a lot of anime because I have nothing better to do, and sometimes I'll bake something like sweet potato fries or pull-apart bread. this is why I'm fat, yo).
But really, that's all. I'm an incredibly boring person as it is. That's why I'm all alone. (:

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sleepy Summer.

Song of the Day: Helena Beats by Foster the People

I have no idea why, but I have come to literally forget to blog. Or even read posts. As of the current, I have 24 blog posts to read. So, please, give me a moment to catch up.
Okay. Not that you would have known how long it really has taken me to, eh, skim all 24 unread blogs, but it's done. I suppose. I really don't have much of an excuse to not read everyone's blogs because >it's summer<, my goodness, I'm not doing ANYTHING. This is typical though. It's the same as most summers. I sit at home and read, watch TV, some random anime someone probably suggested to me years ago, amongst other things like going grocery shopping with my mom because she really wants me to get out of the house and do something (like get a job. Since I'm on the subject, I have concluded it's going to be impossible to get for just the summer. Okay, this is based off of the fact that I have had exactly one job interview and I wasn't called back for a second interview, but whatever. It made me realize that no one wants to hire for just summer work really. I mean, I wouldn't hire me anyway, unless I desperately needed workers and I was in a business that actually needed more workers in the summer). 
Speaking of things to do, I have a few things that I should probably get around to at some point in my life. For example, I need to print off my manuscript. I wrote it out of order, and it'll be a pain to fix up on a computer, so I need to print it out. Downside: it's 181 standard pages long. I have checked it out on several printing shops, and it's going to cost around $20 if I don't want anything special done to it. Sigh. It's a necessary expense, I guess. Plus, it'll make me very happy to get it printed off. I really want to work on it. Also, if I get the second draft done, maybe I'll let some of you read it... (:
My mom wants me to pick up a hobby like sewing, and make a skirt or a dress. I really want a maxi actually. I don't know if I can make one of those... can I? I'll have to ask, I guess. I need new clothes anyway. It's another necessary expense, I suppose. 
But other than than, the only other thing I can think of to do is draw. This is something I know I should do because... well... I kind of stopped drawing around junior year (or I drew significantly less than I did in years prior). I find this really depressing since it was around junior year that I actually started to produce work that was actually considered to be decent (compared to other artists that I admire). So, drawing is a yes. I need to do more of it and get better since I'm two to three years behind in development  It's really frustrating actually since I feel like I'm drawing like I'm 14 again.
Maybe I'll make another playlist or something...? 
I suppose I should get used to my loneliness though.I'm always forgotten in the summertime.